Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blogging Around Yet Again..

A rap on Jason's Music Post-

Jason's post was on music, specifically the piece Canon by Pachelbel and a version that happens to have 70 million views on YouTube, one that I have seen many times also. He mentioned that all types of music are worthy forms of expression, and I agreed in my comment. Also, he stated that every piece of music is a synthesis of the old and new, just like really any art form. I think to take this further, we can figure that in order to be great, music has to both realize history and try to push beyond it. If you want to be a great musician, it's just important to know what came before you as it is to form your own creativity. Think of the history as a basis for greatness, and internal creativity a means to achieve it.

A walkthrough of Nirali's "Jaywalking" post-

I've seen this segment of Leno's show a bunch of times, and find it pretty funny, but I completely forgot about the fact that the people shown don't know basic facts that we should really all know. I stated this within my comment, as well as the fact that it's hard to do too much about it. While everybody should have this knowledge, we can't force people to go back and learn it. The point is that our entertainment can show problems in our society. Another good example is all of the violent video games and movies out now. We have a craving for violence, and that's demonstrated in what we pay to see or play. So, we can analyze our culture through the means of entertainment that we have. Clearly there are shortcomings in the way people are taught facts, and they should be taken seriously.

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